Important Things To Know About your Householder Insurance Policy
We understand that the Covid-19 pandemic has left some of our insured’s stranded overseas without a confirmed date for return while others continue to cope with the uncertain economic climate and possibility of another outbreak.
As we seek…

The Office is open
Our offices are now open daily. However, before you visit, we encourage you to be COVID-19 smart to minimize physical interaction. Consider:
Can I conduct my business online, by phone or using other mediums? If the answer is yes then we invite…

A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Safe for the Carnival Season
Carnival Time is a season for fun and fetes but also a time to be even more vigilant about your safety. To maximize your Carnival experience please see our tips below.
For safety during Carnival activities:
Do not leave your food or…

The Power & Danger of Running Water
Running water is much more powerful than you might think, so think twice before attempting to walk or park in areas where there is running water.

General Safety Tips for Drivers in Grenada
Be courteous. Show consideration to other drivers and obey the rules of the road. If other drivers frustrate you, try not to respond harshly.
Never drink and drive. If you plan on consuming alcohol, designate a sober driver or consider…

Illegal Usage of Cellphones While Driving
Grenada's amended traffic legislation prohibits the use of mobile devices while driving and stipulates steep penalties for offenders:
Drivers of private vehicles may be fined a maximum of EC$3,500 or sentenced to six months imprisonment.

Mandatory Wearing of Helmets Implemented for Riders
Over the past year, there has been an increase in the number of accidents involving motorcyclists, some of which have been resulted in severe injury or fatality.
During last week’s presentation of the Road Traffic Amendment Bill, Caretaker…